7 Parenting Tips for Newborn Up to 1-month-old Babies - Sunday Hug

7 Parenting Tips for Newborn Up to 1-month-old Babies

baby lying on a lounger


At 1 month old, a newborn may weigh from 2-4 kg and be very small and soft. They can't even open their eyes properly and they seem to be sleeping all the time. On their warm skin, the vernix, etc., has not yet peeled off, giving them a crumbly feeling. Today, I have prepared seven parenting tips for a newborn 1 month old baby to share with you!

7 Parenting Tips for Newborn 1-month-old Babies

1. This is the time when your baby cannot control their neck, so please hug them carefully.

This is the time when your baby cannot control their neck properly. Be careful not to let your child sway in the air while hugging. Instead of lifting your child by putting your hands between their armpits, you should support your child's head and neck/back with your hands or arms while holding them.

2. A one month old baby's skin may not look ‘clean’.

Newborn acne or seborrheic dermatitis may appear, making the baby's skin look messy. Neonatal acne usually appears around 2 weeks of age and disappears naturally within 2 to 3 months of age. In most cases, no special treatment is required. If you see hard, crusty crusts on your baby's forehead or near the scalp, it could be seborrheic dermatitis. Baby seborrheic dermatitis naturally improves after 3 to 4 months of age. If your child is itchy or sore, see your doctor for advice.

3. If you are breastfeeding, you are free to feed your baby often.

Until about 2 weeks after birth, do not worry about the 'lactation term', and breastfeed frequently. If your baby keeps falling asleep while sucking, try waking them up with the advice below! When breastfeeding, you need to push your nipple deep into your baby's mouth so that the baby's mouth is wide open. Otherwise, the child may bite the nipple and injure it.

4. If your 1-month-old baby often regurgitates what they ate, you might want to focus on burping.

Hold the baby upright and pat them as if you are sweeping their back. Even after burping, it is good to lay the baby upside down with the upper body and head elevated. This is because they can suddenly cry while lying down. Try using a backflow prevention cushion or pillow. Do not worry too much, as neonatal reflux usually improves spontaneously around the 100th day of age.

5. Do not make it too hot, as it may be difficult for the child to feel comfortable.

This is because babies have a higher basal body temperature than adults. If your baby feels irritable even though they eat well and urinate well, try adjusting the room temperature and humidity. There will be a temperature at which the child feels comfortable.

6. Breastfed babies and formula-fed babies may have different stool patterns.

Breastfed 1-month-old babies have a much softer stool than formula-fed newborn babies. At 1 to 2 weeks of age, breastfed babies have a bowel movement about 8 to 10 times a day, which decreases to about 4 times a day after 1 month. Formula-fed babies have a much thicker stool, about once a day. However, don't worry too much, as even a breastfed baby will have a much smaller amount of stool. In some cases, breastfed babies only have a bowel movement once a week. Check if your baby is gaining weight properly.

7. Take care of your mental health as a parent.

After the difficult time of giving birth to a baby, it’s a hectic time taking care of the baby. You will still be in the recovery period, so it is not recommended to overdo it. Especially when holding or holding a baby, be careful not to strain your wrist joints. Minimize unnecessary hospitality (it is better not to have guests come because your child is still weak), and actively ask for help about things you don't know, questions, or difficulties. As it is a difficult time for body and mind, it is also necessary to practice resting without thinking too much, at any time when you can rest.


Author: Lee Ji-hyun

- A Secondary School Level 2 Teacher Certificate
- As a real mother of a child, she ponders specific parenting tips between reality and theory. She has worked as an educational civic activist and freelance journalist.