Today, we have compiled a list of common problems that are often appear in newborns. What do these include?
1. Newborn acne may appear.
Newborn acne is said to be caused by hormones passed on from the mother during pregnancy. As the newborn grows and the hormones delivered by the mother disappear, the baby's skin naturally improves.
Neonatal acne is a condition that occurs more often in boys than in girls. Neonatal acne usually appears around 2 weeks of age and disappears naturally within 2 to 3 months of age. As a symptom of the cheeks and forehead, small bumps like puberty acne appear. Ointments are sometimes prescribed for severe symptoms, but in most cases, it will get better naturally, so don't worry.
No special treatment is required. Newborn acne symptoms do not require specific management, and just like normal newborn babies, proper hydration and proper bathing are necessary. It is enough to moisturize once every 1-2 days by washing it. Squeezing or touching the acne is not recommended. A secondary infection may develop and require ointment treatment.
There may be a case where you have to go to the hospital for acne in newborns. Even after 2 to 3 months of age, if the acne in newborns is severe, inflammation, etc., the child's skin is itchy, or the size of the acne gets bigger and worse, you need to consult a specialist. There is the possibility of other skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, rather than neonatal acne.
2. Your baby may experience reflux.
At the boundary between the esophagus and stomach, there is a muscle ring that prevents digested food from flowing into the esophagus. If this muscle loop is immature, milk or formula that has already passed through the esophagus to the stomach can be refluxed backwards.
This phenomenon is called gastroesophageal reflux. It is common in babies between 1 and 4 months of age, and usually resolves on its own after 6 months. In most cases, symptoms tend to get better after 100 days.
Neonatal reflux is one of the most common symptoms of healthy babies. Reflux usually becomes most severe around the first month of life and can persist even to stones. According to one study, 85% of babies under the age of one week vomit at least once a day. Among babies under 6 weeks of age who do not have growth problems, more than 10% of babies often vomit.
Divide the formula and breast milk into small portions, breastfeed frequently, and burp.
3. It is natural for your baby to cry often.
Babies solve everything through crying. They cry when they are hungry, they cry when they are full, they cry when the room is hot, they cry when it is cold. This can be very difficult for new parents because it is difficult to clearly ascertain the cause of a child's crying.
However, it is perfectly normal for a child to cry. If you take a closer look, you can see that there is a subtle difference between crying when they are hungry and crying when they are sleepy. There is also a way to observe the cry in order to distinguish these well.
Immediately after birth, children do not have much to do. It is the degree to which the child reflexively sucks or turns their gaze toward the sound that determines whether they are hungry or tired. However, repeated practice of these reflex functions is an important factor in the development of a child's large and small muscles. It is helpful to be proactive in responding to your child's actions.
Author: Hanbit Kim, Oriental Doctor
- (Current) Seocho National University of Education
- Graduated from Kyunghee University College of Oriental Medicine · Korean Academy
of Oriental Pediatrics
- Korean Society of Pharmacology and Acupuncture